PRPC reunion pictures
It was the 25th anniversary of the opening of PRPC at Morong, Bataan. last Jan 22, 2005. It was great seeing everyone AND the place after 25 years!!! It's now called the BATAAN TECHNOLOGY PARK.
Monday, March 07, 2005

The monkey house! Boy, do I remember lots of visits here? Specially when we started the PASS program. Many of our students were being kept here for minor infractions. e.g. picking up cameras, food and sometimes money from teachers dorms, when they came around visiting. Funny thing though, they were almost always the amerasian kids....

a smaller Khmer replica of the Angkor Wat. Also at Nbhd 4 temple site. I wish the new adminstrators decide to keep AND maintain these historical scupltures. They may not qualify to be on the Heritage Conservation Soceity list, but they were built by ordinary Khmer farmers and office workers escaping the barbaric Khmer Rouge. It is in their memory that these sites should remain standing!